The Logo of Chung Lian School

Sungai Lian represents the school’s integral beliefs, value-system and aspirations as it continues to mould the young minds of today’s generation for the greater service to the community.


NAVY BLUE – It connotes the pride of the school in its vision towards excellence.

ORANGE – The colour signifies the ardent enthusiasm that the school maintains as it gears to more fruitful years of service to its community and country.

RED – It stands for the school’s passion in cultivating the minds of its students and its zest to inspire others to value education.

GREEN – It typifies the vibrant life and energy it passes on to its students as they strive towards achieving their goals in life.

WHITE LIGHT – It intends to create a lighting effect that illuminates the centre. It symbolizes guidance that education extends to students so they may follow the right path to a successful and productive life.


BOOKS – They symbolize the core knowledge and academic growth that the school imparts to its students; the value for learning it advocates for parents, students and educators.

CHINESE CHARACTERS – They express the school’s aim to promote and integrate Chinese Language and Culture in its education system as it caters mostly to students of Chinese background and origin.

LAUREL LEAVES – They represent the pride and excellence that the school envisions and projects in all its undertaking. Also, they inspire the students to uphold th essence of holistic achievement (i.e. physical, mental, social, emotional, spiritual).

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